Download Makefile, sseTest.c and sum.c to an appropriate location in your home directory.
Note that all code using SSE2 instructions require your processor to support these. Unless you have a VERY old computer your processor will support the SSE intrinsics, so it is certainly possible that your machine will be sufficient for this, but no guarantees on this.
Exercise 1: Familiarize Yourself
Given the large number of available SIMD intrinsics we want you to learn how to find the ones that you'll need in your application.
Here is a way to find the necessary information:
- Go to Intel's website. This can also be found by searching for "Intel Intrinsics Guide."
- Under the "Getting Started" tab and open the appropriate copy of the Intel Intrinsic Guide.
Do your best to interpret the new syntax and terminology. Find the 128-bit intrinsics for the following SIMD operations (one for each):
- Four floating point divisions in single precision (i.e. float)
- Sixteen max operations over signed 8-bit integers (i.e. char)
- Arithmetic shift right of eight signed 16-bit integers (i.e. short)
- Record these intrinsics in a text file to show your TA.
Exercise 2: Reading SIMD Code
In this exercise you will consider the vectorization of 2-by-2 matrix multiplication in double precision:
This accounts to the following arithmetic operations:
C[0] += A[0]*B[0] + A[2]*B[1]; C[1] += A[1]*B[0] + A[3]*B[1]; C[2] += A[0]*B[2] + A[2]*B[3]; C[3] += A[1]*B[2] + A[3]*B[3];
You are given the code sseTest.c that implements these operations in a SIMD manner.
The following intrinsics are used:
__m128d _mm_loadu_pd( double *p ) | returns vector (p[0], p[1]) |
__m128d _mm_load1_pd( double *p ) | returns vector (p[0], p[0]) |
__m128d _mm_add_pd( __m128d a, __m128d b ) | returns vector (a0+b0, a1+b1) |
__m128d _mm_mul_pd( __m128d a, __m128d b ) | returns vector (a0b0, a1b1) |
void _mm_storeu_pd( double *p, __m128d a ) | stores p[0]=a0, p[1]=a1 |
Compile sseTest.c into x86 assembly by running:
make sseTest.s
Find the for-loop in sseTest.s and identify what each intrinsic is compiled into. Does the loop actually exist? Comment the loop so that your TA can see that you understand the code.
- Show your commented code to your TA and explain the for-loop.
Exercise 3: Writing SIMD Code
For Exercise 3, you will vectorize/SIMDize the following code to achieve approximately 4x speedup over the naive implementation shown here:
static int sum_naive(int n, int *a) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sum += a[i]; } return sum; }
You might find the following intrinsics useful (you may use the 256bit versions if your CPU supports them!):
__m128i _mm_setzero_si128( ) | returns 128-bit zero vector |
__m128i _mm_loadu_si128( __m128i *p ) | returns 128-bit vector stored at pointer p |
__m128i _mm_add_epi32( __m128i a, __m128i b ) | returns vector (a0+b0, a1+b1, a2+b2, a3+b3) |
void _mm_storeu_si128( __m128i *p, __m128i a ) | stores 128-bit vector a at pointer p |
Start with sum.c. Use SSE instrinsics to implement the sum_vectorized() function.
To compile your code, run the following command:
make sum
- Show your TA your working code and performance improvement.
Exercise 4: Loop Unrolling
Happily, you can obtain even more performance improvement! Carefully unroll the SIMD vector sum code that you created in the previous exercise. This should get you about a factor of 2 further increase in performance. As an example of loop unrolling, consider the supplied function sum_unrolled():
static int sum_unrolled(int n, int *a) { int sum = 0; // unrolled loop for (int i = 0; i < n / 4 * 4; i += 4) { sum += a[i+0]; sum += a[i+1]; sum += a[i+2]; sum += a[i+3]; } // tail case for (int i = n / 4 * 4; i < n; i++) { sum += a[i]; } return sum; }
Also, feel free to check out Wikipedia's article on loop unrolling for more information.
Within sum.c, copy your sum_vectorized() code into sum_vectorized_unrolled() and unroll it four times.
To compile your code, run the following command:
make sum
- Show your TA the unrolled implementation and performance improvement.
Exercise 5: Switch on Compiler Optimization
Modify the Makefile to activiate the compiler optimization (e.g. -O2)
To compile your code, run the following command:
make sum
- Show your TA the performance of the compiler optimized code. Explain the results.