Project 1.1: RISC-V instructions to RVC instructions in C

Computer Architecture I ShanghaiTech University
Project 1.1 Project 1.2


The projects are part of your design project worth 2 credit points. As such they run in parallel to the actual course. So be aware that the due date for project and homework might be very close to each other! Start early and do not procrastinate.

Getting started

Make sure you read through the entire specification before starting the project.

The whole project is split into two parts. Project 1.1 and Project 1.2. Those will be autograded separately and have their own deadlines.

You will be using gitlab to collaborate with your group partner. Autolab will use the files from gitlab. Make sure that you have access to gitlab. In the group CS110_22s_Projects you should have access to your project 1.1 project. Also, in the group CS110_22s, you should have access to the p1.1_framework.

Obtain your files

  1. Clone your p1.1 repository from gitlab. You may want to change http to https.
    git clone (replace xxx to your project name)
  2. In the repository add a remote repo that contains the framework files:
    git remote add framework (or change to http)
  3. Go and fetch the files:
    git fetch framework
  4. Now merge those files with your master branch:
    git merge framework/master
  5. The rest of the git commands work as usual.

How to Autolab

  1. Edit the text file autolab.txt. The first line has to be the name of your p1.1 project in gitlab. So p1.1_email1_email2.
  2. The following lines have to contain a long, random secret. Commit and push to gitlab. We will test the length and randomness of this secret by running tar -cjf size.tar.bz2 autolab.txt.
  3. When you want to run the autograder in autolab, you have to upload your autolab.txt. Autolab will clone, from gitlab, the master branch of the repo specified in the autolab.txt you uploaded and then continue grading only if all of these conditions are met:
    1. The autolab.txt you uploaded and the one in the clone repo are identical.
    2. The size of the generated size.tar.bz2 is at least 1000B.
    3. Only the files from the framework are present in the cloned repo.

Collaborative Coding and Frequent Pushing

You have to work at this project as a team. We invite you to use all of the features of gitlab for your project, for example branches, issues, wiki, milestones, etc.

We require you to push very frequently to gitlab. In your commits we want to see how the code evolved. We do NOT want to see the working code suddenly appear - this will make us suspicious.

We also require that all group members do substantial contributions to the project. This also means that one group member should not finish the project all by himself, but distribute the work among all group members!
Gitlab has excellent tools to track that (see "Repository : Contributors"). At the end of Project 1 we will interview all group members and discuss their contributions, to see if we need to modify the score for certain group members.

When your project is done, please submit all the code including the framework to your remote GitLab repo by running the following commands.

    $ git commit -a
    $ git push origin master:master

Details of the files that you need to modify, and how to submit can be found in the Submission section.

So What Is This About?

In this part of the project, you will be writing an translator that translates RISC-V instructions to RISC-V compressed instructions. The RISC-V standard compressed instruction set extension (called RVC for shorthand) offers 16-bit versions of common 32-bit RISC-V instructions, thus reducing the binary code size. Note that not all RISC-V instructions can be compressed. RVC scheme offers compression to a 32-bit RISC-V instruction when:

In this project this process is a part of the assembler's job - even thogh in practical systems a good compression ratio can only be achived if the compiler is aware of the compression. To simplify the task, assume each RISC-V instruction from compiler is already translated into 32-bit RISC-V binary instruction. So your job is to take an input file consisting of 32-bit RISC-V binary instructions, and output the compressed machine code. Since not all RISC-V instructions can be compressed, your output will be a mix of 32-bit and 16-bit instructions. This is also the reason why the offsets in the jumps we saw in class are scaled by two rather than four.

In general, the compression process has the following steps:

  1. Parse the input 32-bit RISC-V instructions line by line.
  2. Check if it can be compressed. If not, you should write the 32-bit without compression to the output file. If it can be compressed, compress it to the corresponding 16-bit RVC instruction and write it to the output file.
  3. However, since some lines are compressed into 16-bits, original jump offsets need to be updated. You can use another pass to deal with it.

The Instruction Set

Remember that not all RISC-V instructions can be compressed, here we list all forms of RISC-V instructions that are compressible, which means they have their corresponding RVC instructions (if they meet the constraints listed in the table). For all other forms of RISC-V instructions, you should consider them not compressible.

add rd, rd, rs2 R c.add CR rd≠x0; rs2≠x0
add rd, x0, rs2 R CR rd≠x0; rs2≠x0
jalr x0, 0 (rs1) I c.jr CR rs1≠X0
jalr x1, 0 (rs1) I c.jalr CR rs1≠X0
addi rd, x0, imm I CI rd≠x0
lui rd, nzimm U c.lui CI rd≠{x0,x2}; immediate is nonzero
addi rd, rd, nzimm I c.addi CI rd≠x0; immediate is nonzero
slli rd, rd, shamt I c.slli CI rd≠x0; shamt[5] must be zero
lw rd', offset (rs1') I c.lw CL
sw rs2, offset (rs1') S c.sw CS
and rd', rd', rs2' R c.and CS
or rd', rd', rs2' R c.or CS
xor rd', rd', rs2' R c.xor CS
sub rd', rd', rs2' R c.sub CS
beq rs1', x0, offset SB c.beqz CB
bne rs1', x0, offset SB c.bnez CB
srli rd', rd', shamt I c.srli CB shamt[5] must be zero
srai rd', rd', shamt I c.srai CB shamt[5] must be zero
andi rd', rd', imm I c.andi CB
jal x0, offset UJ c.j CJ
jal x1, offset UJ c.jal CJ

In addition, a detailed description of RVC instruction formats is provided for you below to help you map RVC instructions into binary code. If you understand RISC-V instruction formats taught in class, the following RVC formats should be easy to you.

CR Format

CR Format funct4 rd/rs1 rs2 opcode
# of Bits 4 5 5 2
C.ADD 1001 dest≠ 0 src≠ 0 10
C.MV 1000 dest≠ 0 src≠ 0 10
C.JR 1000 src≠ 0 0 10
C.JALR 1001 src≠ 0 0 10

CI Format

CI Format funct3 imm rd/rs1 imm opcode
# of Bits 3 1 5 5 2
C.LI 010 imm[5] dest≠ 0 imm[4:0] 01
C.LUI 011 nzimm[17] dest≠{0, 2} nzimm[16:12] 01
C.ADDI 000 nzimm[5] dest≠ 0 nzimm[4:0] 01
C.SLLI 000 shamt[5] dest≠ 0 shamt[4:0] 10

CL Format

CL Format funct3 imm rs1' imm rd' opcode
# of Bits 3 3 3 2 3 2
C.LW 010 offset[5:3] base offset[2|6] dest 00

CS Format

CS-TYPE1 funct3 imm rs1' imm rs2' opcode
# of Bits 3 3 3 2 3 2
C.SW 110 offset[5:3] base offset[2|6] src 00

CS-TYPE2 funct6 rd'/rs1' funct2 rs2' opcode
# of Bits 6 3 2 3 2
C.AND 100011 dest 11 src 01
C.OR 100011 dest 10 src 01
C.XOR 100011 dest 01 src 01
C.SUB 100011 dest 00 src 01

CB Format

CB-TYPE1 funct3 imm rd'/rs1' imm opcode
# of Bits 3 3 3 5 2
C.BEQZ 110 offset[8|4:3] src offset[7:6|2:1|5] 01
C.BNEZ 111 offset[8|4:3] src offset[7:6|2:1|5] 01

CB-TYPE2 funct3 imm funct2 rd'/rs1' imm opcode
# of Bits 3 1 2 3 5 2
C.SRLI 100 shamt[5] 00 dest shamt[4:0] 01
C.SRAI 100 shamt[5] 01 dest shamt[4:0] 01
C.ANDI 100 imm[5] 10 dest imm[4:0] 01

CJ Format

CJ Format funct3 Jump target opcode
# of Bits 3 11 2
C.J 101 offset[11|4|9:8|10|6|7|3:1|5] 01
C.JAL 001 offset[11|4|9:8|10|6|7|3:1|5] 01

In these RVC formats, you will find CL, CS and CB formats use rs1', rs2' and rd' to indicate their register fields. To save space, rs1', rs2' and rd' are restricted to 8 popular registers x8-x15. Only registers x8-x15 can be used in these formats. When translating these formats, you will need to map RISC-V register to 3-bit RVC register number:

RISC-V Register Name x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14 x15
RVC Register Number 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

Input & Output

Input: RISC-V machine code (assuming no empty lines)

Output: compressed RISC-V machine code

Samples: See files under ./test


Manually testing

  1. Run make to compile the code and create the translator executable.
  2. To run the translator, type ./translator <input file> <output file>. Then you can use diff to check the difference between output file and reference file: diff <output file> <reference file>. To see how to interpret diff results, click here.
  3. Additionally, you should use Valgrind to check whether your code has any memory leaks by running: valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --track-origin=yes ./translator <input file> <output file>

Using testing script

We have provided a few test cases under test/in. There are 7 types of test cases. Each type corresponds to one RISC-V format. For example, test cases under test/in/rtype will check rtype RISC-V instructions. "full" type test cases will cover instructions of mixed types. Note that these testcases are by no means comprehensive (in terms of checking range and testcase numbers).

We've also provided a simple testing script. Run make grade, and it will automatically check your outputs with the reference outputs and detect if there are any memory leak errors, and print out a score list to the terminal. The output files will be under test/out.

To add your own test cases, for example there are already 2 test cases under test/in/full and you want to add another test case, you should:

  1. Name your test case as input_3.s
  2. Put input_3.s under test/in/full
  3. Put your desired output ref_3.s under test/ref/full
  4. Modify Makefile under test/, append a number 3 in variable full_TESTS
  5. Modify under test/, change the dictionary TESTS according to the comment
  6. Then you can run make grade again.

Some Things to Note

Notes regarding grading


You should submit the same autolab.txt in your gitlab repo to to Autolab.

The directory tree of your gitlab repo should like the following:

You can leave the test folder and the Makefile. Autolab will replace them with the real testcases and the Makefile.

    |--- src
        |     |-- compression.c
        |     |-- compression.h
        |     |-- utils.c
        |     |-- utils.h
        |--- test (optional)
        |--- translator.c
        |--- translator.h
        |--- Makefile (optional)
        |--- autolab.txt
