$ $ Start pose (position and orientation) and map $ $ Start pose: x, y, orientation $ Coordinate systen starts with 0, 0 in lower left corner $ $ Orientation (right hand coordinate system): $ 0 in positive x (east) $ 1 in positive y (north) $ 2 in negative x (west) $ 3 in negative y (south) $ $ Now the actual start pose: $ 12 8 2 $ $ Now follows the map (consists of only X or .) $ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X..................X X....XXXXXXXXXXXX..X X....X..........X..X X....X..XXXXX...X..X X....X......X...X..X X....XXXXXXXX...X..X X...............X..X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..X X..................X .........XXXXX.....X XXX......X...X.....X X.X......X.........X X.X......XXXXXXXXXXX X.X................X X.X..XXXXXXXXXXX...X X.X........X...X...X X.XXXXXX...XXXXX...X X..................X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX