Project 2.1: ALU and Regfile

Computer Architecture I ShanghaiTech University
Project 1.2 Project 2.1 Project 2.2
Overview | Deliverables | Logisim | Testing | Submission


In this project you will be using Logisim to create a 32-bit two-cycle processor. It is similar to MIPS, except that memory addresses represent 32-bit words instead of 8-bit bytes (word-addressed instead of byte-addressed). Also, all addresses are 24-bits wide instead of 32-bits, due to limitations in Logisim. Throughout the implementation of this project, we'll be making design choices that make it compatible with machine code outputs from MARS and your Project 1!

Please read this document CAREFULLY as there are key differences between the processor we studied in class and the processor you will be designing for this project.

Overview | Deliverables | Logisim | Testing | Submission


Approach this project like you would any coding assignment: construct it piece by piece and test each component early and often!

Tidyness and readability will be a large factor in grading your circuit if there are any issues, so please make it as neat as possible! If we can't comprehend your circuit, you will probably receive no partial credit.

1) Obtaing the Files

    We have provided a framework: proj2.1_framework .

2) Register File

Although our ISA promises the whole range of 32 registers, we will provide you with access to 28 registers in Project 2.2. Your task is to implement 4 more - $t0, $t1, $t2, and $t3. After being told to write data to one of these 4 registers, you should be able to retrieve that data by asking for the value of that register on subsequent clock cycles.

You are provided with the skeleton of a register file in regfile.circ. The register file circuit has six inputs:

Input Name Bit Width Description
CLK 1 Input for the clock. This can be sent into subcircuits or attached directly to the clock inputs of memory units in Logisim, but should not otherwise be gated (i.e., do not invert it, do not and it with anything, etc.).
RegWrite 1 Determines whether data is written on the next rising edge of the clock.
Read Register 1 2 Determines which register's value is sent to the Read Data 1 output, see below.
Read Register 2 2 Determines which register's value is sent to the Read Data 2 output, see below.
Write Register 2 Determines which register to set to Write Data on the next rising edge of the clock, assuming that RegWrite is asserted.
Write Data 32 Determines what data to write to the register identified by the Write Register input on the next rising edge of the clock, assuming that RegWrite is asserted.

The register file also has the following six outputs:

Output Name Bit Width Description
$t0 Value 32 Always driven with the value of $t0. This is primarily for grading & debugging; if you were really designing a register file you would probably omit this output.
$t1 Value 32 Always driven with the value of $t1. This is primarily for grading & debugging; if you were really designing a register file you would probably omit this output.
$t2 Value 32 Always driven with the value of $t2. This is primarily for grading & debugging; if you were really designing a register file you would probably omit this output.
$t3 Value 32 Always driven with the value of $t3. This is primarily for grading & debugging; if you were really designing a register file you would probably omit this output.
Read Data 1 32 Driven with the value of the register identified by the Read Register 1 input.
Read Data 2 32 Driven with the value of the register identified by the Read Register 2 input.

You can make any modifications to regfile.circ you want, but the outputs must obey the behavior specified above. In addition, your regfile.circ that you submit must fit into the regfile-harness.circ file we have provided for you. This means that you should take care to not reorder inputs or outputs, though you can move them around if you need more space or something. A circuit like regfile-harness.circ will be used to test your register file for grading. You should download a fresh copy of regfile-harness.circ and make sure your regfile.circ is cleanly loaded before submitting.

3)Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

The ALU for this project is very similar to the one you made in lab. The most important differences are:

Note: Your ALU must be able to fit in the provided harness alu_harness.circ

You will tell your ALU what operation to perform and it will drive its output with the result of that operation. You ARE allowed to use all of Logisim's built-in arithmetic blocks, including adder, subtractor, and shifter. Alternatively, feel free to use any sub-circuit that you created previously for homework or lab.

We have provided a skeleton of an ALU for you in alu.circ. It has three inputs:

Input Name Bit Width Description
X 32 Data to use for X in the ALU operation.
Y 32 Data to use for Y in the ALU operation.
Switch(S) 6 Selects what operation the ALU should perform (see below).

The ALU also has three outputs:

Output Name Bit Width Description
Signed Overflow 1 High iff the operation was an add or sub and there was signed overflow.
Result 32 Result of the ALU Operation.
Equal 1 High iff the two inputs X and Y are equal.

The funct code for each instruction should be the same as specified in the MIPS Green Sheet, and are reproduced below. In addition, you should implement the following two new instructions:

funct(hex) Instruction
00 sll: result = X << Y
02 srl: result = X >> Y (zero-extended)
03 sra: result = X >> Y (sign-extended)
20 add: result = X + Y
21 addu: result = X + Y
22 sub: result = X - Y
23 subu: result = X - Y
24 and: result = X & Y
25 or: result = X | Y
2a slt: result = (X < Y) ? 1 : 0 Signed
2b sltu: result = (X < Y) ? 1 : 0 Unsigned
2c cnto: result = Number of 1s in both X and Y
3e bitpal: result = (X[31:16] == X[0:15]) ? 1 : 0

Note: You can assume for shift operations that Y will be non-negative and have a value less than 32.

Note: bitpal reverses the order of the 0-15 bits when checking for equality.

Note: Every instruction should be done in one clock cycle.

Bit Palindrome, Counting Ones

We have introduced some new instructions for you to implement

The first instruction is Bit Palindrome. Here are the specifications for the instruction:

The next instruction is Counting Ones (cnto). Here are the specifications for the instruction:

Follow the same instructions as the register file regarding rearranging inputs and outputs of the ALU. In particular, you should ensure that your ALU is correctly loaded by a fresh copy of alu-harness.circ before you submit.

Overview | Deliverables | Logisim | Testing | Submission

Logisim Notes

While you may use Logisim 2.7.1 for developing your alu.circ, regfile.circ, mem.circ, and cpu.circ, do note that you have to open run.circ with the MIPS-logisim file we provided.

If you are having trouble with Logisim, RESTART IT and RELOAD your circuit! Don't waste your time chasing a bug that is not your fault. However, if restarting doesn't solve the problem, it is more likely that the bug is a flaw in your project. Please post to Piazza about any crazy bugs that you find and we will investigate.

Things to Look Out For

Logisim's Combinational Analysis Feature

Logisim offers some functionality for automating circuit implementation given a truth table, or vice versa. Though not disallowed (enforcing such a requirement is impractical), use of this feature is discouraged. Remember that you will not be allowed to have a laptop running Logisim on the final.

Overview | Deliverables | Logisim | Testing | Submission


For this part, we have provided you with a bash script called in the project directory as well as a few test files in test-files. Running will copy your alu and regfile into the test files directory and run the autograder with the two ALU tests and one Regfile test. Keep in mind that these tests are not comprehensive, so take a look at how ALU-addu.circ and reg-insert.circ are created to see how you can make your own.

Overview | Deliverables | Logisim | Testing | Submission


Put your alu.circ and regfile.circ in an empty folder called proj2.1, then use the command below to compress it.

tar czvf proj2.1.tar proj2.1

Finally, submit the compressed file to Autolab.